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Dr. Diana Hill

Am I going to get through this?

Dear Reader,

"I am not sure I can make it through this," is what I wrote in my journal at the beginning of this month. It's a line I hear a lot from clients as well.

Can I do this? Am I going to be ok? Will I make it through?

How do we hold our own when the world and our lives feel a bit shaky?

I see only one good answer to these questions: whether you ask it of yourself or another person asks it of you, it's to offer compassion.

I am here for you. I’ve got your back.

Self-compassion is the practice of turning toward your suffering and offering warmth, encouragement, and wisdom. It doesn’t come naturally for many of us and feels hokey to others (more on that in my next newsletter). But it’s a skill that, when honed, along with psychological flexibility, can be your biggest resource in times of stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

​That’s why I wrote The Self-Compassion Daily Journal for you​. Like my first book, The ACT Daily Journal, this journal will guide you step-by-step through 8 weeks of self-compassion and psychological flexibility practices that together will help you:

  • Uncover your wisest, most encouraging, and most courageous self
  • Defuse your inner critic
  • Embrace discomfort
  • Develop compassion for your body
  • Grow from your regrets
  • Forgive yourself
  • Extend compassion outward

The book comes out on March 1st, but if you pre-order now, you will receive a gift of 4 self-compassion meditations with me.

Please help me spread the word. I am here for you, and I’ve got your back. Everyone you share this with will know you have theirs, too.

With love,


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Dr. Diana Hill

Learn evidenced-backed, contemplative ideas and practices to help you develop your psychological flexibility. If you want to put your efforts into what you care most about, this twice-monthly Wise Effort newsletter is for you. Join the Wise Effort newsletter community!

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