
Dr. Diana Hill

Get creative, move your body and make some banana water

Dear Reader,

“I’m making banana water,” my friend Giulia Preziuso told me when I called her this morning after hearing a heatwave was heading to New York, where she lives.

“Banana water?”

“I have a plant that’s looking a little droopy. It’s easy: you put a banana peel in hot water for a few hours, let it cool, and the water will give your houseplants an extra boost. I learned it from my mom.”

Can you use a little banana water right now, too?

It builds resilience, but I hesitate to use that word. The term resilience can be controversial, especially when we promote it as a personal virtue and overlook systemic problems at the root of our droopiness or overuse it as an excuse to push ourselves past our limits.

As a client told me this past week, “I don’t want to watch another webinar on work/life balance. I want more flexibility in my schedule to drop off my kids at summer camp.”

I think making banana water is Wise Effort—making good use of the resources available to us—like our friends, our houseplants, and our own compassion. Plus, who doesn’t have a banana on hand?

I have been busy making banana water on the podcast these last few weeks to rejuvenate you.

You will love the conversation with The Daily Show’s Sarah Hamblin, who also happens to be my cousin. She gives us some tips on how to be creative in high-stakes environments and the power of comedy to open people up. Hint: Let it be bad.

Inspired by Sarah, I made a skills-building episode for you that breaks down the science and practice of creativity. You might be surprised that houseplants reduce stress, enhance connection, and even change your brain waves.

And, just in time for summer, my good friend and biomechanist Katy Bowman is back to break down the macro and micronutrients you need to move nutritiously. We walk you through the movement pyramid and explain why you should be the one carrying the groceries.

I am wishing you a fresh start to your summer. And don’t forget to pick up some bananas!

Dr. Diana Hill

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Dr. Diana Hill

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