
Dr. Diana Hill

Move with me, there’s no better time than now

Dear Reader,

So, I caught my husband doing this over the weekend. He was putting the finishing touches on my new course AVAILABLE TODAY on how to Level Up Your Movement and moving along with me!

By the way, this sit/stand test takes some building up to, but is a great level-up move. As my co-author Katy Bowman would say, it’s “nutritious movement” to get up and off the floor like this, and it makes boring audio editing more interesting!

Level-Up Your Movement with Wise Effort is a 12-session audio course offered in short spurts so you can fit it into your life. I encourage you to move along with me as you work to:

  • Define your movement genius
  • Identify psychological and contextual barriers to moving
  • Dig deeper into your movement values
  • Establish wise movement habits
  • Tackle lapses with compassion and commitment

Plus you get downloadable worksheets, so you don’t have to take notes while moving through it and can personalize your experience. Here’s an example from Session 2 on Barriers to Movement.

If you are looking for some movement motivation, and an approach that isn’t just another 30 day plan you’ll give up on, this course is for you.

Wise Effort is a lifestyle. And you just might find that when you align your movement genius with your values, it spills over into strengthening your relationships, work, community and spirit.

I’d be honored to be in your ears as you move toward a more nourishing, energizing, and joyful relationship with physical activity.

And if you have a picture of you (or your partner) moving in an unexpected way, send it my way via email or DM me on Instagram @drdianahill I love to see people moving in the wild!

Talk soon,


P.S. Level Up Your Movement is available today!

Dr. Diana Hill

Your Wise Effort Guide

Dr. Diana Hill

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