Learn evidenced-backed, contemplative ideas and practices to help you develop your psychological flexibility. If you want to put your efforts into what you care most about, this twice-monthly Wise Effort newsletter is for you. Join the Wise Effort newsletter community!
Dear Reader, I’ve had an ambivalent relationship with movement. As a child, I’d spend hours wandering the creek behind my house, searching for nasturtium flowers—driven by wonder and a need for solitude. But in my teens and twenties, those hours were spent climbing a stairmaster to nowhere. I spent the last two decades reclaiming my love for movement. And rediscovering my “movement genius.” (We all have one!) Your movement genius is the unique energy you feel when moving your body that expresses your talents, character strengths, emotional intelligence, personality, and interests. My friend Trudy Goodman expresses her movement genius when swimming. I caught Jack Kornfield expressing his movement genius in the hallway of our retreat. And Dan Siegel’s movement genius is the “oneness” he experiences while snorkeling. What’s your movement genius? Your movement genius emerges when the following five qualities are expressed through movement. Consider each for yourself. We will be exploring this in more depth over the next few weeks, but this will get you started:
When you discover your movement genius, you tap into an intrinsic energy source—one that makes movement feel effortless and fulfilling. And when you align this energy with your values—whether it’s caring for your body, connecting with others, or expressing creativity—movement becomes a lifelong, adaptable, and deeply personal experience. Now, ask yourself:
For me, that means walking along the path to my garden, gathering a few flowers, and placing them in a jar in my office. Whatever it is for you, I encourage you to start thinking about movement in this way. I Want To See You In Your Movement Genius!Reply to this email with a picture or video of you in your movement genius, or tag me on social media! I will personally respond to every one I receive. To dive deeper, check out the book "I Know I Should Exercise, But..." I co-wrote with Katy Bowman—a true movement genius—and come see us live at Yoga Soup for a workshop and book signing. Save the date—let us move you! Diana P.S. In the next few weeks, I will have something new I’ll be sharing with my newsletter subscribers. It will have fresh, out-of-the-box ideas about movement—ones you haven’t heard before—because I believe in transforming our relationship with movement into one of love. I cannot wait to share it with you. More to come... |
Learn evidenced-backed, contemplative ideas and practices to help you develop your psychological flexibility. If you want to put your efforts into what you care most about, this twice-monthly Wise Effort newsletter is for you. Join the Wise Effort newsletter community!