Learn evidenced-backed, contemplative ideas and practices to help you develop your psychological flexibility. If you want to put your efforts into what you care most about, this twice-monthly Wise Effort newsletter is for you. Join the Wise Effort newsletter community!
Dear Reader, Last week, I asked you: "What is your movement genius?" And your answers came rolling in:
Our movement genius is as unique as we are. And, when we channel this energy toward our values—whether that’s nature connection, pet rescue, therapy, or teaching—we are engaging in Wise Effort. So, my next big question is: "What Gets in the Way?" What stops us from moving in the ways our bodies and souls crave? That’s exactly what I explored on this week's LIVE real-play episode with Maya, a dancer and mother who has felt disconnected from her movement genius. Before you listen, I want you to try an exercise (yes, and I want you to send me a picture of it!): A Reflection Exercise to Explore Your Movement Genius
🎧 Now listen to this week’s episode to hear what came up for Maya when she did this exercise with me live in front of an audience at the Communal Table. You may be surprised—it’s deeper and more personal than you think. In my new book with Katy Bowman, I Know I Should Exercise But…, we explore psychological and contextual barriers that keep us from moving the way we long to. 📸 Don’t forget to send me your movement genius drawings! I will personally respond to every single one with some feedback. Consider me your Wise Effort coach. Diana P.S. Remember, on Monday, I will share some BIG NEWS about how to personalize what you learn in the book and on the podcast to your life. Hint: It involves me moving right alongside you. I hope you'll join me. |
Learn evidenced-backed, contemplative ideas and practices to help you develop your psychological flexibility. If you want to put your efforts into what you care most about, this twice-monthly Wise Effort newsletter is for you. Join the Wise Effort newsletter community!