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Dr. Diana Hill

Worried self-compassion makes you lose your edge? Read this!

Dear Reader,

I’m a late adopter of a lot of things. It took me years to get an iPhone, a lot of convincing to wear AirPods (which I still call "ear pods" despite my son’s cringe), and it took me even longer to drink the “self-compassion” Kool-Aid. (I guess I drank it because I wrote a book on how to practice Self-Compassion Daily!)

Why such reluctance? I believed three things about self-compassion that you may believe too:

  1. Self-compassion is selfish
  2. You’ll lose your edge
  3. It’s hokey

But these are really only half-truths. Learn WHY here.

I’ve been having a lot of conversations about self-compassion with colleagues and friends:

Worried about self-compassion making you selfish? Check out my conversation with Dr. Dan Siegel about the SELF and how to cultivate an expansive and harmonious sense of self.

Worried you’ll lose your edge? Check out my conversation with stress researcher Dr. Elissa Epel about the power of self-compassion to increase your resilience when facing stress and adversity.

Worried that Self-compassion is hokey? Join me for these upcoming Instagram Live events, where I’ll unpack self-compassion with some of the least hokey people I know:

  • Self-compassion and belonging with Ofosu Jones-Quartey February 23, 9:00 am PT
  • Self-compassion and athletic performance with Sonya Looney February 26, 11:00 am PT
  • Self-compassion as a habit with Jud Brewer March 1, 9:00 am PT

Need more convincing? Drink the Kool-Aid with me and check out my new book, The Self-Compassion Daily Journal! Available March 1st.

What's Inside? The book is an eight-week guide that explores the nuances of self-compassion through a structured approach. Each week focuses on a distinct theme:

  • Week 1: A Hopeful Path
  • Week 2: A Compassionate Perspective
  • Week 3: Defusing from Your Inner Critic
  • Week 4: Opening Up and Being With
  • Week 5: A Life Well Lived
  • Week 6: Compassion for Your Body
  • Week 7: Regrets and Forgiveness
  • Week 8: Compassionate Action
  • Integration: Your Compassionate Flow​​

Give yourself 8-weeks to try out self-compassion for yourself, and you may discover self-compassion is powerful stuff.

Be gentle with yourself.

Give yourself a break.

You’ve got this.

With metta,


Are you overly self-critical, holding yourself to unrealistically high standards?

The good news is that self-compassion is a skill that can be learned.

Want to build up your wisdom?

Listen to my most recent episode to gain a skill to help you do just that.

Dr. Diana Hill

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